Digital Value Creation and Pricing

The digitization of formerly physical products/services and their distribution channels has led to changes in customers’ perception and consumption. This often goes along with a reduced willingness-to-pay for digital products/services and raises new questions on the design of comprehensive multi-channel strategies. Establishing trust in electronic markets must also be taken into account, considering the physical distance between users and companies. The findings of this research project serve as the basis for the better design of digital products and services, their pricing as well as their overall business models.


Clemons, E.K.; Wilson, J.; Matt, C.; Hess, T.; Ren, F.; Jin, F. (2016):Global Differences in Online Shopping Behavior: Understanding the Factors that Lead to Trust, Journal of Management Information Systems (33:4), pp. 1117-1148

Bründl, S.; Matt, C.; Hess, T. (2016): Daten als Geschäft – Wertschöpfung im deutschen Datenmarkt, Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management (6/2016), pp. 78-83

Köster, A.; Matt, C.; Hess, T. (2016):Carefully Choose your (Payment) Partner: How Payment Provider Reputation Influences M-commerce Transactions, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (15:1), pp. 26-37

Matt, C.; Hess, T. (2016):Product Fit Uncertainty and Its Effects on Vendor Choice: An Experimental Study, Electronic Markets (26:1), pp. 83-93

Berger, B.; Matt, C.; Hess, T. (2016):Media Meets Retail – Re-evaluating Content Quality in the Context of B2C E-Commerce, Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2016), Istanbul, Türkei

Clemons, E. K.; Wilson, J.; Matt, C.; Hess, T.; Ren, F.; Jin, F. (2016): Online Trust: An International Study Of Subjects’ Willingness to Shop at Online Merchants, Including The Effects of Promises and of Third Party Guarantees, Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2016), Hawaii, USA

Berger, B.; Matt, C.; Steininger, D. M.; Hess, T. (2015): It Is Not Just About Competition with “Free”: Differences Between Content Formats in Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay, Journal of Management Information Systems (32:3), pp. 105-128

Berger, B.; Matt, C.; Steininger, D.; Hess, T. (2015): Paper or Screen – Differences in Customer Preferences and Willingness to Pay between Traditional and Digital Content Services, Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2015), Hawaii, USA

Bründl, S.; Matt, C.; Hess, T. (2015): Wertschöpfung in Datenmärkten, Forschungsbericht des Forum Privatheit und selbstbestimmtes Leben in der Digitalen Welt

Matt, C.; Suffel, C. (2014): Integrierte Preisvergleiche in Suchmaschinen und deren Auswirkung auf das Geschäftsmodell klassischer Preissuchmaschinen, Proceedings der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2014 (MKWI), Paderborn

Hess, T.; Matt, C.; Berger, M. (2014): Streaming aus Anbietersicht: Viele Wege führen zum Ziel, Management Reports des Instituts für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Neue Medien, LMU München (2/2014)

Hess, T.; Matt, C. (2013): The Internet and the Value Chains of the Media Industry, Diehl, S.; Karmasin, M. (Hrsg.), Media and Convergence Management, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 37-55

Matt, C. (2012): Consumer Product Search and the Decision between Intermediary and Supplier Online Shops, Proceedings of the 33th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2012), Orlando, USA

Matt, C.; Hess, T. (2012): Facilitating Consumers' Evaluation of Experience Goods and the Benefits for Vendors, Proceedings of the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2012), Seattle, USA